Briny Breezes Real Estate
Check out these great Briny Breezes real estate listings or scroll down to read about Briny Breezes, view demographics and learn about Briny Breezes schools. Call (561) 322-3330 to speak to a Briny Breezes realtor now!
Briny Breezes Statistics
Check out the latest Briny Breezes statistics available, including crime rates, cost comparisons and population growth.
Overall Cost
VS National AVG
Housing Cost
VS National AVG
Entertainment Cost
VS National AVG
Utilities Cost
VS NAtional AVG
Crime Rate
VS National AVG
Learn About Briny Breezes
Call (561) 322-3330 to speak to a %location% realtor and specialist now. Briny Breezes is located in Palm Beach County. It is south of Ocean Ridge and north of Gulf Stream. It sits between the Atlantic Ocean and the Intercoastal Waterway. Briny Breezes consists of only about .1 square mile, most of which is land and only a tiny bit of which is water. It is called “Briny” by its residents. It is a tiny oceanfront community consisting of about 488 mobile homes. It and Ocean Breeze are the only mobile home parks in Florida that are incorporated as towns. It was originally a strawberry farm owned by a Michigan lumberman named Ward Miller. During the Great Depression, he allowed tourists to camp on his land in trailors they brought down with them. He originally rented them the land for $3 per week. In 158, he wanted to retire and decided to sell the land. He offered lots for $2000 each and $2500 for the lots on the water. The town was incorporated in 1963 and installed its own mayor and post office. The original mayor was Hugh David. He held office until 1997, when he died, and was never opposed in an election. In the fall of 2005, a developer offered to buy the town for five hundred million dollars. The majority of the town approved the sale but the deal later fell apart. Briny is a nice place to visit and a great place to live. Call (561) 322-3330 to speak to a %location% realtor and specialist about %location% homes for sale, commercial and investment property, %location% real estate and rental apartments or scroll down to learn about %location% schools, statistics and demographics.
Use the links below to explore %location% homes for sale and real estate in these great %location% communities or call (561) 322-3330 to speak with an %location% realtor. Our professional RE/MAX realtors are standing by waiting to help you now.
Brickell Key, Cape Coral, Castle Beach, Coral Towers, Grand View Place, Nightgale Grove, Richards, Whispering Woods
Use the links above to view homes for sale in these %location% communities or call (561) 322-3330 to speak with a %location% realtor and specialist. A professional RE/MAX realtor is standing by waiting to help you.
Briny Breezes Demographics
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Briny Breezes Schools
Learn more about Briny Breezes schools, complete with school ratings and contact information.